Friday, November 11, 2011
There was a customer at work who was scaring me so much. She just kept talking really, really fast like this:
Yeah, yeah. You guys have so much stuff.
Yeah, you just keep putting it all out.
There is just so much stuff, yeah yeah.
And she wouldn't stop so I was like yeah, yeah and walked away. I feel like her eyes were shifting back and forth too at the same fast speed but this is probably my imagination.
This week I was taking the bus back home and this guy was just going at picking his nose, he just didn't stop. It was gross I don't want to touch any poles on the bus now, and like 30 minutes before this while still on the bus some guy in a white van was doing it too. No shame!
Today I was at work and on cash with J and I called this one lady to come to my line since there was no one there. So she comes over and was asking some questions about the kid's sweater and I went to check the price and the style of it. And whatever we talked for a little and she signed her credit card receipt and than formally introduced herself as L and asked for my name, and I said M. And she said it was nice to meet me and I said it was nice to meet her and she left with her husband. It was so random and unexpected but it was also quite lovely that not everyone is crazy and mean. ;) A good end to the night, which we got out of quickly, because the store died down a lot towards the end. Yay!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I just got an e-mail that said my thesis zines have gone missing. :o Hahaha, what in the world? Who goes to a gallery and just takes other people's work. Unless as we have discussed there was a misunderstanding that people thought they were supposed to be taken? But that is nonsense. Anyways, a message to whoever has taken my zines for whatever reason, please take good care of them and enjoy browsing through them. I just wished you asked before, I would have printed out a rough copy. It just sucks that now they must be reprinted again, which took up a lot of money and time. Money I made during my poo job while trying to balance school at the same time to graduate. And now I sort of need them to show in my portfolio to job interviews and it costs money to print them again while at the same time trying to pay back my OSAP. And today my mom finally got a chance to go see them from on her lunch break at work and nothing to show boooo. I worked all year on those zines and would appreciate them back, but if not we move along I guess. :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Toronto Library
April 26 2011
This isn't about a stranger, just a strange moment. I'm in the Toronto library but trying to log onto the Mississauga library website and it will not open, it just refuses.

I don't think I posted about pizza boy yet. I was at school and this guy just had this whole pizza box to himself, it was great! I kind of wished we were friends because I was hungry at the time.
April 2011
I am working on cash and it's a very busy Thursday and I am in that routine saying hello, how are you, this is $___, your change is $____, thank you have a nice day. A couple comes up around the age of 40 and they are talking to me. And I understand them, but something is not right, something is different in the way they are talking. I realize after some time it's actually in Polish. He is going on about how he wants to return this item his wife has purchased because they don't want it. And I have to stop them and I tell them to hold on. How did they know I could speak Polish? And the man answered, that he just figured. (What do you mean you just figured? You can't do that!) So I said ok and helped them with the rest of the questions. I don't think I looked especially Polish that day, so we figured they have had to have seen me at church or something. But it was just funny since usually people at least ask, do you speak ____? I guess sometimes at work people come up and just start speaking to me in Spanish or Portuguese as well..
April 26 2011
Lillian H. Smith Library
It's a rainy day and I am off to meet P in a few hours, I decided to come to the library. I am sitting in the Chinese area with a bunch of old men reading Chinese newspapers around me. I will learn Mandarin one day. Another man has come up with a red and black knit sweater and sat beside me staring. I try to ignore him but this is just getting awkward. I turn around to face him and he asked if I know what the cables/plugs he is holding are. Is one an adapter? Does this one go into a TV? He found the laptop and cables in the trash and put it together himself. He is bald too. I saw I don't really know much about computers, and PC's anymore. He figured I did because I had a Mac. I told him to check online. He proceeded to ask someone else. There is a man burping in the other bookshelf. He think he is hiding from everyone but we can all still hear him. Ah, one of the old men at my table has just gotten up and is reading his newspaper standing up, he doesn't want to sit anymore. This is my first live post here, it's exciting.
UPDATE: The man proceeded to ask the other boy about his computer and it made a lot of strange sounds, after awhile he left to go to the bathroom or whatever. And it's been 3 hours since he has left his laptop there. Even when I was leaving no sign of him. There is a man snoring right beside it. And a man in an amazing Western outfit sitting beside me.
Monday, March 21, 2011

Discovered by J. We went to our Polish church on Sunday and decided to go to the Centrum right after. They had booths set up inside and it had been awhile since we had gone through. There was no books however. There were jars of honey and bug jewelry and Polish baby shirts. And then there was the table filled with random old lady jewelry and everyone singing happy birthday aka Sto Lat to the two ladies with names like Ania and Ewa and all the old people taking shots. Gosh I love old happy Polish people.

In second year I think it was, I was out on Queen Street taking photos for Think Tank class I believe. Suddenly, this lady approached me and asked if I take modelling photos. I looked at her for maybe too long because well, she was mm older and I said no I am just taking photos for a class. She asked if I would be interested in taking some photos for her hair salon. I could get some work done for my portfolio and get some experience and what not. So she gave me her card and I agreed to go the next week or whenever.
Why do I throw myself into these situations? I would come to her salon once a week or something and she found out I did graphic design. We had a trade, she'd do my hair and hook me up with clients and I would do GD work and photos. It was hard working with someone who barely knew how to e-mail something. I didn't have the patience. And some people you just don't click with and she was a bit awkward. But I did have nice hair for some time and got to go to a pretty cool fashion show before Circa closed was all very random and awkward is the only way I could put it.

One day last week I went to work and had trouble finding an outfit so I just wore some cargo pants I usually just wear inside. And I wore my designated boxing shoes as well that day. I wanted comfy shoes that would support my ankles at work from standing all day! Yes I am thinking like a grandma who shops at Walking on a Cloud shoe store..but they do make a difference. Anyways, it was the comfiest outfit ever for work.
And as embarssing as this is going to sound I will write it anyway. Ok so J and I started going to boxing and we feel like we are gaining arm muscles. So you know when guys start doing this they start wearing short sleeved shirts to show off these muscles. And J and I realized we were doing that too..what have we turned into?! We are proud of our toned arms, we feel very Jersey Shore. Anyways, it was great to wear a t-shirt after so long. Anyways back to the cargo pants! While working in the fitting room this older lady, probably 60 with short white hair came in. I took her items and led her to her room. And while putting her items in she told me that my pants fit so well on me, it made my butt look good. It was as if the pants were custom tailored for me. I pretty much turned red, mumbled something and walked away. I still got it.
And as embarssing as this is going to sound I will write it anyway. Ok so J and I started going to boxing and we feel like we are gaining arm muscles. So you know when guys start doing this they start wearing short sleeved shirts to show off these muscles. And J and I realized we were doing that too..what have we turned into?! We are proud of our toned arms, we feel very Jersey Shore. Anyways, it was great to wear a t-shirt after so long. Anyways back to the cargo pants! While working in the fitting room this older lady, probably 60 with short white hair came in. I took her items and led her to her room. And while putting her items in she told me that my pants fit so well on me, it made my butt look good. It was as if the pants were custom tailored for me. I pretty much turned red, mumbled something and walked away. I still got it.
Last week I was closing and was on cash. It was around 10 minutes after close and I was the only one on cash serving a few customers still. This one lady, no idea what was going on but I wish I could reenact her voice for you. At first I thought she was just mumbling to herself but then that's all she did. And I cashed in her leg warmers (which A. Are out of style by now. B. They were striped, even more out of style C. Why do you need leg warmers in spring?) and this little make-up purse. I said the price was around $12 or something. And she asked if the items were on sale? They were brand new and I said no, even A said no. She was convinced they were on sale..No lady..they are not. The store is closed, there is a line up, I have been here all day, I want to go home. She's like ok then leave the bag because I won't have enough. And I put it away and she takes out a $10 bill. I cash her out and say that the exit doors are on the right.
She sort of moves to the side and starts looking through the bin at the front. Asking how much the lip gloss is while I try to cash out the other lady. I say the price is in the back. She can't find it..$3.95 I say. Then she looks at the bad smelling, cheap lime green body spray and asks how much it is. I say the price is also in the back, $4.95. And she then uses the tester like crazy. She lifts her shirt and starts spraying underneath everywhere. Then she lifts her coat and sprays her arm pits. I was convinced for a second that she was going to shop lift right in front of me. And she kept mumbling things. It felt very Harry Potter. When everyone thought Snape was cursing Harry under his breath at the Quidditch Match. She finally left. And the next customer had a shirt that was clearly not on sale marked as $5. It was even tagged in the wrong spot.. Get out of my life.
This lady on the bus last week was really into picking her ears. And then not realizing and putting her fingers in her mouth. She got off the bus before I could get sick. And just this week a lot of people have been into putting their fingers in their noses. I drive by and I can see you. You don't have tinted windows and are full on going on with your business. You are not safe in your car.

This lady came into work asking if we have the studded belt that Carrie wears in SATC? I had no idea what she was talking about. Somehow I have gotten into Jersey Shore and totally skipped that SATC phase...I'll get back into it no worries, before the outfits are all out of style and I can't stand to watch it. Anyways, she asked as if I knew what she was talking about and I didn't and said we don't have any studded belts. But she either didn't want to hear this or just didn't hear and asked if I knew where she could get one? I thought she was referring to you know a normal studded from Ardene's or Claires. That 13 yr old girls buy and they also come in plastic rainbow studs as well. I told her to check Winners, she did. And she just seemed anoyingly upset.
So somehow I ended up telling her to DIY. My 12 yr old crafting hobby came back into my life. She asked how and where? So I drew a sketchy map of some store I didn't know the name of that was in some basement int he Fashion District..I told her the costs and it might be cheaper just buying an old black belt and making it yourself. She left, I don't know if she felt helped or stressed, she was in a strange mood. But if she did make it, I'd really like to see the results. Customer service is hard. ;)
I have just checked the belt online and one store sells it for $120. (Patricia Field) Yes much cheaper making it yourself and fun. I don't really fancy this belt too much, but I have been looking into getting a studded belt to match with more dressy outfits or coats. The clash is nice.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Summer 2010
This woman comes into work and is asking about a pair of leggings on the mannequin. I tell her we have a few sizes left and show her where they are located. There was a size 8 and 10 I believe and I ask if she'd like me to try another store for a pair in her size? She says no she needs them for tomorrow and is leaving. The worst thing is she was an older woman like 40 and these leggings were in the tween section of the store..they were monochrome fashion photo leggings with pink graffiti and she wanted a pair for herself. And how do you tell someone that they are too old to wear that? Her son or whoever was with her and he was around 10-11 and was just playing on his game and I was like hoping he would say something. But he was too focused on his game and too young to understand. In a few years buddy you'll get it! So I guess thankfully her size wasn't there and she didn't get a pair. I hope I don't grow up and wear clothes that are meant for younger girls..or wear cheetah print pants with white boots..
Fall/Winter 2010
The time this one man with a bluetooth asked if I could button his pants because he was too lazy to take them off. I felt as if I would be his mother buttoning a 5 year old kid. Customers are so weird. No. And why does H&M have button up jeans still?
Summer 2010
I had a few shifts before but this was when I had started my job, this one guy comes into the changeroom and I give him a room. It was very busy that day so I was rushing customers and trying to clean as much clothes as I could off the table with V. Even though it was so busy this guy insited on getting my opinion on each polo he tried on. One was this white polo and he asked if I could see his tatto through it on his back. And I said is it on his shoulder? He said no it was his whole back. Bahaha. And then about little details like if the anchor on the front of the shirt was ok. Or if the shorts were ok. And would stand and wait there when I put customers to their room, some people just don't get it.
I had a few shifts before but this was when I had started my job, this one guy comes into the changeroom and I give him a room. It was very busy that day so I was rushing customers and trying to clean as much clothes as I could off the table with V. Even though it was so busy this guy insited on getting my opinion on each polo he tried on. One was this white polo and he asked if I could see his tatto through it on his back. And I said is it on his shoulder? He said no it was his whole back. Bahaha. And then about little details like if the anchor on the front of the shirt was ok. Or if the shorts were ok. And would stand and wait there when I put customers to their room, some people just don't get it.
February 2011
This lady came into the changeroom with 20 items to try on. She was in the changeroom for an hour! And had very interesting, thick fake eyelashes. We had a talk about what items she should buy, I suggested the sale items they go the fastest and stopped her from getting a hideous green vest. And then she tried to add taxes on the items. She left and left the other clothes behind till the next time she got paid. She only shops at out store.
An hour later she is back and said she had suddenly got money..and thanked me for all my help. And she'd hook me up. I promise you I'll hook you up.
I have no idea what she was talking about, but whatever she hooks me up with I hope it's either tacos or cocaine.
This lady came into the changeroom with 20 items to try on. She was in the changeroom for an hour! And had very interesting, thick fake eyelashes. We had a talk about what items she should buy, I suggested the sale items they go the fastest and stopped her from getting a hideous green vest. And then she tried to add taxes on the items. She left and left the other clothes behind till the next time she got paid. She only shops at out store.
An hour later she is back and said she had suddenly got money..and thanked me for all my help. And she'd hook me up. I promise you I'll hook you up.
I have no idea what she was talking about, but whatever she hooks me up with I hope it's either tacos or cocaine.
February 2011
We closed the store and we get a phone call 10-15 mninutes after closing, but we are busy cleaning and no one answers. But then the phone rings again and ok maybe it's an emergency so I pick it up.
Me: Hello, how may I help you?
Lady: Oh hello! I know you guys closed but we were in the store an hour ago and went to Wal-mart and then came back and realized you guys were closed already!I am standing out here at Cinnabon. (Ahahah so creepy and she knew we were inside the whole time and no one was answering the phone haha)
We closed the store and we get a phone call 10-15 mninutes after closing, but we are busy cleaning and no one answers. But then the phone rings again and ok maybe it's an emergency so I pick it up.
Me: Hello, how may I help you?
Lady: Oh hello! I know you guys closed but we were in the store an hour ago and went to Wal-mart and then came back and realized you guys were closed already!I am standing out here at Cinnabon. (Ahahah so creepy and she knew we were inside the whole time and no one was answering the phone haha)
February 9 2011
Dancing to music with the other customer at the Carribean food place while mama ordered my chicken and rice.
Dancing to music with the other customer at the Carribean food place while mama ordered my chicken and rice.
January 26 2011
I was walking around taking photos for thesis and I cross one street where the crossing guard smiled and said hellooo. I said hi back and started to walk away until I turned around and asked if I could take a photo of him (this is always the hardest thing to do in photography). He agreed and I took a few shots and then we started a discussion of his life story and my thesis project. He talked about the bombing Japan did and then how his daughter had asked him to move to Canada. He had nothing much left and so he decided to move but got bored just sitting around and watching TV. And so he decided to become a crossing guard and being able to interact with people, just what we were doing. :) He used to be a mechanical engineer back home. He then asked how old I thought ht was and all I could say "I don't know..hmm.." He then said it might be easier if he took his hat off. So I guessed 55. He was actually born in 1936 making him 75.
He then talked about being out in the cold, was I able to be out in the cold for too long? I said yes, last week I was out for 5 hours in the cold. He then told me he had a heating pad he put on his ankle to stay warm and the superindent in the building close to the intersection let's him stay inside during the non-busy periods of the day.
I then tried to figure out what his background is, but I went for it. C would be proud. So I asked him Filipino ka ba? And it turns out he was and I told him quickly that's all I could say, so he wouldn't get too excited and speak to me like other people in a language I don't understand.
He mentioned that the lady walking around on the other side uh giving out parking tickets haha was actually Filipino but she looked like she was Chinese, you would never know he said, but he knew, they had talks sometimes.
Then I told him I had to go and take some more photos but promised him to give him a few copies of the photos. He then asked if I wanted some more shots of him in a different backgroung haha, I said of course. He then proceded to fix his neon orange vest, unstrapping the velcro and ficing his collar and hat and so I got a few more shots. I said thanks he said his name is Elpy he thought mine was Martin or some guy's name. He's my new Filipino grandpa. Told you I'd get a grandpa.
I was walking around taking photos for thesis and I cross one street where the crossing guard smiled and said hellooo. I said hi back and started to walk away until I turned around and asked if I could take a photo of him (this is always the hardest thing to do in photography). He agreed and I took a few shots and then we started a discussion of his life story and my thesis project. He talked about the bombing Japan did and then how his daughter had asked him to move to Canada. He had nothing much left and so he decided to move but got bored just sitting around and watching TV. And so he decided to become a crossing guard and being able to interact with people, just what we were doing. :) He used to be a mechanical engineer back home. He then asked how old I thought ht was and all I could say "I don't know..hmm.." He then said it might be easier if he took his hat off. So I guessed 55. He was actually born in 1936 making him 75.
He then talked about being out in the cold, was I able to be out in the cold for too long? I said yes, last week I was out for 5 hours in the cold. He then told me he had a heating pad he put on his ankle to stay warm and the superindent in the building close to the intersection let's him stay inside during the non-busy periods of the day.
I then tried to figure out what his background is, but I went for it. C would be proud. So I asked him Filipino ka ba? And it turns out he was and I told him quickly that's all I could say, so he wouldn't get too excited and speak to me like other people in a language I don't understand.
He mentioned that the lady walking around on the other side uh giving out parking tickets haha was actually Filipino but she looked like she was Chinese, you would never know he said, but he knew, they had talks sometimes.
Then I told him I had to go and take some more photos but promised him to give him a few copies of the photos. He then asked if I wanted some more shots of him in a different backgroung haha, I said of course. He then proceded to fix his neon orange vest, unstrapping the velcro and ficing his collar and hat and so I got a few more shots. I said thanks he said his name is Elpy he thought mine was Martin or some guy's name. He's my new Filipino grandpa. Told you I'd get a grandpa.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
December 4 2009
40 yr old lady with a wolf coat came on the bus.
That's it. That's my story. Who owns a graphic wolf coat?
So I went back to listening to my music or whatever on the bus but it's hard to forget someone with a fur coat. And I saw her again at the subway. And there was lot's of room to sit however I wanted to sit at the front. Because I'm like a 5 year old kid, I wanted to sit at the front of the train like the train conductor.
The wolf coat lady however was sitting there though and I sat in front of her lol. She then said "There are so many seats it's hard to pick one. :)" And I blurted out yeah I like sitting at the front. And she's like you can sit beside me. Mm no thanks that would be weird. But then she started to ask about the book I was reading and it would be even more weird not talking to her throughout the subway ride when we already had a mini conversation. And she would just be starting at my head. Haha. So much complications with this right?
So whatever sat beside her and we talked and I didn't look at the track like I intended to. We talked about traveling to Ireland, the humane society, burgers, book covers, etc. It was a nice half hour chat with a random stranger I might not ever see again. I almost missed my stop. But you know it made my day. Miriam and the lady in the wold coat, great book title.
40 yr old lady with a wolf coat came on the bus.
That's it. That's my story. Who owns a graphic wolf coat?
So I went back to listening to my music or whatever on the bus but it's hard to forget someone with a fur coat. And I saw her again at the subway. And there was lot's of room to sit however I wanted to sit at the front. Because I'm like a 5 year old kid, I wanted to sit at the front of the train like the train conductor.
The wolf coat lady however was sitting there though and I sat in front of her lol. She then said "There are so many seats it's hard to pick one. :)" And I blurted out yeah I like sitting at the front. And she's like you can sit beside me. Mm no thanks that would be weird. But then she started to ask about the book I was reading and it would be even more weird not talking to her throughout the subway ride when we already had a mini conversation. And she would just be starting at my head. Haha. So much complications with this right?
So whatever sat beside her and we talked and I didn't look at the track like I intended to. We talked about traveling to Ireland, the humane society, burgers, book covers, etc. It was a nice half hour chat with a random stranger I might not ever see again. I almost missed my stop. But you know it made my day. Miriam and the lady in the wold coat, great book title.
Orientation Day
September 2007
Other people have Frosh/Orientation week which are really exciting (I hear) and there are ballons and free t-shirts. At our orientation we began with an early morning start and we got to register for our courses! Yay!!
I think we got free rice or something and I met one girl because we both didn't have any friends) and we sat outside eating whatever it was they gave us, oh I remember there was corn kernels. And then some guy comes up and starts talking to us, ok cool we are all new here and this is how you make friends.
After some talk we learn he is into folk music and he asks if we want to go to the Eaton Centre. We agree (who knows why, I think I had no idea what the Eaton Centre was and wanted to see the amazing strung geese I googled that summer) and yeah this story was a lot more funny in my head. So we ended up walking around the mall and never saw him at school ever again.
None of our classes, and pretty sure he did not even go to our school in the first place because he was a wee bit older. But the Eaton Centre was awesome!
September 2007
Other people have Frosh/Orientation week which are really exciting (I hear) and there are ballons and free t-shirts. At our orientation we began with an early morning start and we got to register for our courses! Yay!!
I think we got free rice or something and I met one girl because we both didn't have any friends) and we sat outside eating whatever it was they gave us, oh I remember there was corn kernels. And then some guy comes up and starts talking to us, ok cool we are all new here and this is how you make friends.
After some talk we learn he is into folk music and he asks if we want to go to the Eaton Centre. We agree (who knows why, I think I had no idea what the Eaton Centre was and wanted to see the amazing strung geese I googled that summer) and yeah this story was a lot more funny in my head. So we ended up walking around the mall and never saw him at school ever again.
None of our classes, and pretty sure he did not even go to our school in the first place because he was a wee bit older. But the Eaton Centre was awesome!
New Year's 2011
Nathan Phillip Square
If I like you I probably texted (not a real word?) you 10 minutes before midnight on New Year's and sent a little "HAPPPPY NEW YEAAAAAR." So I got some replies back (thanks guys, for you others what the heck guys? Are we friends or not?)
Anyways, so I sent this message to tata (my dad).
Me: Happppy New Yeaar.
Tata: Ok.
Who replies to a happy new year, happy birthday with ok?! When I approached him after to ask he said he didn't have time because they were watching the countdown and ok wa sjust faster. Oh tata.
Nathan Phillip Square
If I like you I probably texted (not a real word?) you 10 minutes before midnight on New Year's and sent a little "HAPPPPY NEW YEAAAAAR." So I got some replies back (thanks guys, for you others what the heck guys? Are we friends or not?)
Anyways, so I sent this message to tata (my dad).
Me: Happppy New Yeaar.
Tata: Ok.
Who replies to a happy new year, happy birthday with ok?! When I approached him after to ask he said he didn't have time because they were watching the countdown and ok wa sjust faster. Oh tata.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
January 5 2010
Bristol Rd, Hamilton
Sitting in the car people getting off the bus or kids walking back home from school. Until I spotted this lady walking with her two daughters. One daughter was really into Rocky because she was 6 and punching and doing all these hooks and stuff in the air.
The best part was their mom. Who was getting a bit cold and decided to wrap one of her baby daughter's sweaters and wrap it around her like a head scarf. The many uses for children sweaters.
Bristol Rd, Hamilton
Sitting in the car people getting off the bus or kids walking back home from school. Until I spotted this lady walking with her two daughters. One daughter was really into Rocky because she was 6 and punching and doing all these hooks and stuff in the air.
The best part was their mom. Who was getting a bit cold and decided to wrap one of her baby daughter's sweaters and wrap it around her like a head scarf. The many uses for children sweaters.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year's Eve 2011
Some 18 year old kids on the GO train 1:30 AM ride back home.
18: You guys want to smoke a joint?
Us: No. I just want to get home, don't make the train stop.
18: Oh ok. (Tries to light it 2 times and fails)
M: I feel so dizzy, do you want to scrouch (a word I made up because after that weird Pink drink M bought I had no idea what English was). But we figured it made sense croutch & squat put together equals scrouch.
Throws an emergency exit poster at us.
We can't see outside the windows because we are so low! We are like cows on a train!
Guy throws the GO train map poster from the wall at us.
Girl on phone apologizes for her friend Tyler for his behaviour.
M: Yeah John cut it out.
18: You don't even know my middle name!
What is he talking about?
M: Tyler John cut it out.
Then upon leaving I hit them all with my purple balloon and yell happy new year.
We then proceeded to taping the emergency sign back onto the train wall and putting the map was hard you know.
Some 18 year old kids on the GO train 1:30 AM ride back home.
18: You guys want to smoke a joint?
Us: No. I just want to get home, don't make the train stop.
18: Oh ok. (Tries to light it 2 times and fails)
M: I feel so dizzy, do you want to scrouch (a word I made up because after that weird Pink drink M bought I had no idea what English was). But we figured it made sense croutch & squat put together equals scrouch.
Throws an emergency exit poster at us.
We can't see outside the windows because we are so low! We are like cows on a train!
Guy throws the GO train map poster from the wall at us.
Girl on phone apologizes for her friend Tyler for his behaviour.
M: Yeah John cut it out.
18: You don't even know my middle name!
What is he talking about?
M: Tyler John cut it out.
Then upon leaving I hit them all with my purple balloon and yell happy new year.
We then proceeded to taping the emergency sign back onto the train wall and putting the map was hard you know.
I forgot I had this blog until today when my brother said something funny and I thought I should write it down and decided to do it here! I know he's not really a stranger but whatever it's my blog.
So my brother has been jogging lately more than usual around the neigbourhood and this is our conversation.
Me: Are you going out jogging again, why do you always go so late?
M: Because that's when I get the most motivation, because I feel like I'm going to get mugged so it pushes me to run faster. I sprint you know.
Me: Ok M don't forget your hat. Why is your sweater so small?
M: Because it shows off my pecs.
Lately my sister E is always hanging out with me. Like I can't go to any room without her following me, its's getting weird I don't want to be friends. She even sent me this creepy photo and was sitting right across from me eating the pasta I had prepared. I can see her eating it why does she have to send a photo?

So my brother has been jogging lately more than usual around the neigbourhood and this is our conversation.
Me: Are you going out jogging again, why do you always go so late?
M: Because that's when I get the most motivation, because I feel like I'm going to get mugged so it pushes me to run faster. I sprint you know.
Me: Ok M don't forget your hat. Why is your sweater so small?
M: Because it shows off my pecs.
Lately my sister E is always hanging out with me. Like I can't go to any room without her following me, its's getting weird I don't want to be friends. She even sent me this creepy photo and was sitting right across from me eating the pasta I had prepared. I can see her eating it why does she have to send a photo?

And she is always taking the cat from me and flaunting it in my face that our cat likes her better than me, what a sister right? Oh E what are we going to do with you and your E jokes.
My lack of updates is due to the fact that I have been sitting at home a lot. Like yesterday I dropped off the girls at school and then from 10 AM to mmm 11 PM I sat on the computer and watched re-runs of Gilmore Girls and Ugly Betty..I did not move from the couch only to pick them up and perhaps make something to eat..actually I ate a whole bag of sunflower seeds that day.
So there is not much strangers to actually encounter so I fail at this blog, I'll try to be more social. Actually, today on the subway this man in a leather jacket and receeding hair line was stuck with a bunch of us packed comutters during rush hour. And I guess he really wanted to get off at his stop fast and the subway speed was just not doing it for him.
He got really angry and started kind of kicking the subway door and then punching it with full force! It was a bit scary actually and I never say that. And then asking people if they had a problem with him hitting the door. Yes we did actually. Thankfully he got off at the next stop.
And last week at work I had one customer who had to use the fitting room and I've gotten used to half naked people running out of the fitting rooms and whatnot. Or when ladies need to zip up the back zipper in the dresses. But I have never had to button up a grown man before. I felt like his mother he was probably 28 and was too lazy to pull down his pants to button the sides instead asked me to do it.
School is starting next week so I'll be around more crazy people soon! :)
My lack of updates is due to the fact that I have been sitting at home a lot. Like yesterday I dropped off the girls at school and then from 10 AM to mmm 11 PM I sat on the computer and watched re-runs of Gilmore Girls and Ugly Betty..I did not move from the couch only to pick them up and perhaps make something to eat..actually I ate a whole bag of sunflower seeds that day.
So there is not much strangers to actually encounter so I fail at this blog, I'll try to be more social. Actually, today on the subway this man in a leather jacket and receeding hair line was stuck with a bunch of us packed comutters during rush hour. And I guess he really wanted to get off at his stop fast and the subway speed was just not doing it for him.
He got really angry and started kind of kicking the subway door and then punching it with full force! It was a bit scary actually and I never say that. And then asking people if they had a problem with him hitting the door. Yes we did actually. Thankfully he got off at the next stop.
And last week at work I had one customer who had to use the fitting room and I've gotten used to half naked people running out of the fitting rooms and whatnot. Or when ladies need to zip up the back zipper in the dresses. But I have never had to button up a grown man before. I felt like his mother he was probably 28 and was too lazy to pull down his pants to button the sides instead asked me to do it.
School is starting next week so I'll be around more crazy people soon! :)
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