Monday, March 21, 2011

Discovered by J. We went to our Polish church on Sunday and decided to go to the Centrum right after. They had booths set up inside and it had been awhile since we had gone through. There was no books however. There were jars of honey and bug jewelry and Polish baby shirts. And then there was the table filled with random old lady jewelry and everyone singing happy birthday aka Sto Lat to the two ladies with names like Ania and Ewa and all the old people taking shots. Gosh I love old happy Polish people.
This was a day in December 2010, where it was still cold but two guys on the same bus route decided to wear shorts. Bah Canada, sometimes you drive me crazy. Like look at the second photo, the guy beside is full on in long pants and a coat, why would you even think of leaving your house in just shorts? I have more creeper, phone photos..stay tuned. This is how everyone gets sick. This year I wore a scarf always and even a hat. I bought hats this winter..which is something I never, ever do. And a winter coat for the first time after like 4 years and I didn't get sick once. Yes more grandma talk. But you see it all the time, girls going to clubs in mini skirts and no coat so they don't have to pay for coat check. And then wondering why they are sick the next week. And I realized our winters are not even that cold. It was a nice winter this year for sure.

In second year I think it was, I was out on Queen Street taking photos for Think Tank class I believe. Suddenly, this lady approached me and asked if I take modelling photos. I looked at her for maybe too long because well, she was mm older and I said no I am just taking photos for a class. She asked if I would be interested in taking some photos for her hair salon. I could get some work done for my portfolio and get some experience and what not. So she gave me her card and I agreed to go the next week or whenever.

Why do I throw myself into these situations? I would come to her salon once a week or something and she found out I did graphic design. We had a trade, she'd do my hair and hook me up with clients and I would do GD work and photos. It was hard working with someone who barely knew how to e-mail something. I didn't have the patience. And some people you just don't click with and she was a bit awkward. But I did have nice hair for some time and got to go to a pretty cool fashion show before Circa closed was all very random and awkward is the only way I could put it.

One day last week I went to work and had trouble finding an outfit so I just wore some cargo pants I usually just wear inside. And I wore my designated boxing shoes as well that day. I wanted comfy shoes that would support my ankles at work from standing all day! Yes I am thinking like a grandma who shops at Walking on a Cloud shoe store..but they do make a difference. Anyways, it was the comfiest outfit ever for work.

And as embarssing as this is going to sound I will write it anyway. Ok so J and I started going to boxing and we feel like we are gaining arm muscles. So you know when guys start doing this they start wearing short sleeved shirts to show off these muscles. And J and I realized we were doing that too..what have we turned into?! We are proud of our toned arms, we feel very Jersey Shore. Anyways, it was great to wear a t-shirt after so long. Anyways back to the cargo pants! While working in the fitting room this older lady, probably 60 with short white hair came in. I took her items and led her to her room. And while putting her items in she told me that my pants fit so well on me, it made my butt look good. It was as if the pants were custom tailored for me. I pretty much turned red, mumbled something and walked away. I still got it.

Last week I was closing and was on cash. It was around 10 minutes after close and I was the only one on cash serving a few customers still. This one lady, no idea what was going on but I wish I could reenact her voice for you. At first I thought she was just mumbling to herself but then that's all she did. And I cashed in her leg warmers (which A. Are out of style by now. B. They were striped, even more out of style C. Why do you need leg warmers in spring?) and this little make-up purse. I said the price was around $12 or something. And she asked if the items were on sale? They were brand new and I said no, even A said no. She was convinced they were on sale..No lady..they are not. The store is closed, there is a line up, I have been here all day, I want to go home. She's like ok then leave the bag because I won't have enough. And I put it away and she takes out a $10 bill. I cash her out and say that the exit doors are on the right.

She sort of moves to the side and starts looking through the bin at the front. Asking how much the lip gloss is while I try to cash out the other lady. I say the price is in the back. She can't find it..$3.95 I say. Then she looks at the bad smelling, cheap lime green body spray and asks how much it is. I say the price is also in the back, $4.95. And she then uses the tester like crazy. She lifts her shirt and starts spraying underneath everywhere. Then she lifts her coat and sprays her arm pits. I was convinced for a second that she was going to shop lift right in front of me. And she kept mumbling things. It felt very Harry Potter. When everyone thought Snape was cursing Harry under his breath at the Quidditch Match. She finally left. And the next customer had a shirt that was clearly not on sale marked as $5. It was even tagged in the wrong spot.. Get out of my life.

This lady on the bus last week was really into picking her ears. And then not realizing and putting her fingers in her mouth. She got off the bus before I could get sick. And just this week a lot of people have been into putting their fingers in their noses. I drive by and I can see you. You don't have tinted windows and are full on going on with your business. You are not safe in your car.

This lady came into work asking if we have the studded belt that Carrie wears in SATC? I had no idea what she was talking about. Somehow I have gotten into Jersey Shore and totally skipped that SATC phase...I'll get back into it no worries, before the outfits are all out of style and I can't stand to watch it. Anyways, she asked as if I knew what she was talking about and I didn't and said we don't have any studded belts. But she either didn't want to hear this or just didn't hear and asked if I knew where she could get one? I thought she was referring to you know a normal studded from Ardene's or Claires. That 13 yr old girls buy and they also come in plastic rainbow studs as well. I told her to check Winners, she did. And she just seemed anoyingly upset.

So somehow I ended up telling her to DIY. My 12 yr old crafting hobby came back into my life. She asked how and where? So I drew a sketchy map of some store I didn't know the name of that was in some basement int he Fashion District..I told her the costs and it might be cheaper just buying an old black belt and making it yourself. She left, I don't know if she felt helped or stressed, she was in a strange mood. But if she did make it, I'd really like to see the results. Customer service is hard. ;)

I have just checked the belt online and one store sells it for $120. (Patricia Field) Yes much cheaper making it yourself and fun. I don't really fancy this belt too much, but I have been looking into getting a studded belt to match with more dressy outfits or coats. The clash is nice.
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