Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 2011

I am working on cash and it's a very busy Thursday and I am in that routine saying hello, how are you, this is $___, your change is $____, thank you have a nice day. A couple comes up around the age of 40 and they are talking to me. And I understand them, but something is not right, something is different in the way they are talking. I realize after some time it's actually in Polish. He is going on about how he wants to return this item his wife has purchased because they don't want it. And I have to stop them and I tell them to hold on. How did they know I could speak Polish? And the man answered, that he just figured. (What do you mean you just figured? You can't do that!) So I said ok and helped them with the rest of the questions. I don't think I looked especially Polish that day, so we figured they have had to have seen me at church or something. But it was just funny since usually people at least ask, do you speak ____? I guess sometimes at work people come up and just start speaking to me in Spanish or Portuguese as well..


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