This lady came into work asking if we have the studded belt that Carrie wears in SATC? I had no idea what she was talking about. Somehow I have gotten into Jersey Shore and totally skipped that SATC phase...I'll get back into it no worries, before the outfits are all out of style and I can't stand to watch it. Anyways, she asked as if I knew what she was talking about and I didn't and said we don't have any studded belts. But she either didn't want to hear this or just didn't hear and asked if I knew where she could get one? I thought she was referring to you know a normal studded belt..like from Ardene's or Claires. That 13 yr old girls buy and they also come in plastic rainbow studs as well. I told her to check Winners, she did. And she just seemed anoyingly upset.
So somehow I ended up telling her to DIY. My 12 yr old crafting hobby came back into my life. She asked how and where? So I drew a sketchy map of some store I didn't know the name of that was in some basement int he Fashion District..I told her the costs and it might be cheaper just buying an old black belt and making it yourself. She left, I don't know if she felt helped or stressed, she was in a strange mood. But if she did make it, I'd really like to see the results. Customer service is hard. ;)
I have just checked the belt online and one store sells it for $120. (Patricia Field) Yes much cheaper making it yourself and fun. I don't really fancy this belt too much, but I have been looking into getting a studded belt to match with more dressy outfits or coats. The clash is nice.
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