Saturday, January 15, 2011

December 4 2009

40 yr old lady with a wolf coat came on the bus.

That's it. That's my story. Who owns a graphic wolf coat?

So I went back to listening to my music or whatever on the bus but it's hard to forget someone with a fur coat. And I saw her again at the subway. And there was lot's of room to sit however I wanted to sit at the front. Because I'm like a 5 year old kid, I wanted to sit at the front of the train like the train conductor.

The wolf coat lady however was sitting there though and I sat in front of her lol. She then said "There are so many seats it's hard to pick one. :)" And I blurted out yeah I like sitting at the front. And she's like you can sit beside me. Mm no thanks that would be weird. But then she started to ask about the book I was reading and it would be even more weird not talking to her throughout the subway ride when we already had a mini conversation. And she would just be starting at my head. Haha. So much complications with this right?

So whatever sat beside her and we talked and I didn't look at the track like I intended to. We talked about traveling to Ireland, the humane society, burgers, book covers, etc. It was a nice half hour chat with a random stranger I might not ever see again. I almost missed my stop. But you know it made my day. Miriam and the lady in the wold coat, great book title.


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