Friday, November 12, 2010

10-4 PM

I was talking to a customer about how I had just paid for my trip to Spain, Portugal & France and then out of nowhere this lady comes and starts talking to me in Spanish. Fortunately the customer understood and she was asking if you can pay with American bills.

Then a few hours later I get a customer, he was so cute buying a purple dress shirt and all excited and then couldn't accept his car because it wasn't signed. And so I tried to explain that I couldn't accept the card unless it was signed. But he said he didn't understand me that he speaks Portuguese. So I called for anyone who spoke Portuguese and H came over and translated.

It turns out that he was visiting from Portugal and was using his dad's credit card to be able to buy things here. And his bank card from Portugal didn't work and he didn't have enough cash. It was the saddest thing of my life because he had the friendliest smile and just wanted a purple shirt. :(

This also made me realize that I have to get started on my Spanish, Portuguese & French, this always happens at work, no Polish people come in so I can't help anyone. :p AND I never really heard anyone speak fluently in Portuguese and wow what a language, it was amazing! I have never heard anything like it! Why is this the first time I heard it spoken fluently?


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