Saturday, July 19, 2014

Zurich, Switzerland
July 2014

Never in the city on a Saturday but today was an exception. As I was walking by one group I noticed the majority were standing under a shop roof cover, away from the hot sun. Some dared to go out of the shade and grab a shot of the Grossmunster. Quickly scurrying back into the shadows when their task was completed.

As I come closer I hear the group leader trying to explain the church. I realize its all in Polish. Suddenly a group of ladies in stress and fans waving away furiously stop the tour leader in the middle of his lovely history:

"But why is it so hot? What is the temparture?!"

...35..the tour guide explains and continues on.

Leave it to a bunch of 50 year old ladies to just completely forget where they are and just start complaining about things and not listening to anything. ;)


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