Saturday, July 19, 2014

Zurich, Switzerland
July 2014

The following day after incident one I decide to do the simple task of traveling from work back home. A simple task, where nothing is supposed to happen. Point A to Point B, 20 minutes done. No. Never done.

I am a minute away from home walking along the street and I see these two men walking with this rat on a leash. It wasn't actually a rat, but a dog. But from far away you don't no these things.

So they pass and one turns around and starts to speak in this language I do not know. This got me thinking while I stared that it is about time I start learning. So we switch to English and he starts to say that the dog..rat..whatever it was needs a mom. That I should be its mom.

- No thanks, I don't really fancy dogs.

- Oh no, no he is a good dog and needs to be taken care of!

- No, I don't like children either. No dogs, no children.

- Where are you from?

- Canada.
- Ah! Mais souffle de bonhomme de neige..other French things..

- No I am from the English speaking part.

- Aha! Ok well I am from North Africa and speak Arabic!

- And my dog, he speaks Spanish.

So at this point the dog is barking like crazy.

- He is saying no no no in Spanish! He does not want his mom to leave.

- I am not his mom.

- Ok well this was a nice..conversation we had.

- Yes, it was lovely. Thanks. Bye.

- Bye.


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